The ABS Program is seeking nominations for the first annual Applied Biodiversity Science Program Outstanding Achievement Award
Purpose: To recognize outstanding ABS student achievements
Amount: $500.00
Use of Funds: Unrestricted.
Who can nominate: ABS faculty and students.
Who can be nominated: Current ABS students with approved Learning Plans, including students who graduated during the current year.
Nominations deadline: Nominations are due the Thursday before Spring Break each year. Awards ceremonies will be held during the last ABS seminar of Spring semesters (April – May) each year.
Guidelines for nominations: Please submit the following information to the ABS Program Coordinator:
- Nominating Letter – should clearly indicate student’s outstanding achievements in ABS
- Advisor Supporting Letter – if nominated by anyone other than the student’s advisor, an advisor’s letter of support is required
- Student’s CV
- Supporting Documents – Examples could include peer-review publications, letters from students or collaborators, outreach materials, news articles, etc.