The research of Dr. Don Brightsmith, ABS Faculty member and Director of the Schubot Exotic Bird Health Center at Texas A&M University, was recently featured on the YouTube Channel, Smarter Every Day. Brightsmith’s research with the Tambopata Macaw Project focuses on various aspects of the ecology of large macaws and parrots to help better understand the interactions among clay lick use, food supply, breeding season, breeding success, abundance, and movements.
Rainforest Expeditions coordinated with Destin Sandlin and Gordon McGladdery from the educational YouTube channel Smarter Every Day, to film slow motion video of hundreds of macaws at a clay lick at Rainforest Expeditions’ Tambopata Research Center, the location of the ABS Amazon Field School. The footage, which includes a ‘flush’ of macaws from the clay lick, is significant because it is the first time that slow-motion filming has captured these colorful birds in their native range.