The Applied Biodiversity Science Perspectives Series has released its 2016 issue.
The Perspectives Series is a student-created, student-managed publication whose mission is to communicate the conservation research being conducted by undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty of the Applied Biodiversity Program (ABS) at Texas A&M to a broader audience of academics, practitioners, and the public.
This year’s issue can be read and downloaded here.
The collection of articles in this year’s “Perspectives” shares with you the insights and experiences of ABS graduate students and faculty focused on conservation and biodiversity issues in Africa. By sharing with a broader audience real-world examples and stories of the complex, interconnected relationship between humans and the natural systems they live, the Perspectives Series advances scientific communication and promotes the Texas A&M Applied Biodiversity Program as a leading applied research and graduate education program.
Learn how Aggies connect biodiversity research and on-the-ground conservation practices.
The ABS program brings multiple perspectives together—from ecology and psychology, to genetics and anthropology—to address the global challenge of reducing the loss of biodiversity and its impacts on human livelihoods.
Interested in learning more or participating? Check out other ABS offerings: