The ABS Program sponsors a speaker series each semester that features practitioners and scholars in the field of conservation science from Texas A&M or invited from other institutions.
- All talks are held at 4pm on Zoom unless noted otherwise (**).
- For our full calendar of events, including departmental seminars and ABS activities, click here.
Date | Speaker, Seminar Title or Topic, Host | |
mon nov 15 |
Courtney Fitzpatrick Texas A&M University Trait Evolution in a Social World Co-hosted with EEB |
mon nov 22 |
Maria del Pilar Fernandez Washington State University Integrating the Human and Ecological Dimensions of Vector-borne Diseases: From Chagas to Lyme Co-hosted with EEB |
wed dec 1 |
Robin Veldman Texas A&M University The Gospel of Climate Skepticism |
mon dec 6 |
Kathryn A. Hanley New Mexico State University Title: Spillover, Spillback and Spread: How Viruses From Wildlife Take Over the World Co-hosted with EEB |