Amanda StronzaAssociate Professor, Dept. of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences; Adjunct in Anthropology
Director, Ecoexist Project Director, Amazon Field School Research Focus: Community-based conservation, ecotourism, sustainable development
Lee FitzgeraldProfessor, Dept. of Ecology & Conservation Biology
Curator, Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections Research Focus: Evolutionary ecology and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles
Participating Faculty
Christian BrannstromProfessor and Director of Environmental Programs, Dept. of Geography
Research Focus: Nature-Society relations, in particular the historical geography of the environment and resource management in Brazil and Latin America
Donald BrightsmithAssistant Professor, Dept. of Veterinary Pathobiology
Director, Tambopata Macaw Project Research Focus: Comparative avian and mammalian immunology and the evolution of the immune system; Avian diseases; Avian phylogeny; role of infectious diseases in wild and endangered bird populations
David BriskeT.M. O’Connor Endowed Professor and Texas A&M AgriLife Faculty Fellow, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management
Research Focus: ecological function, management strategies, and policy implications of global rangelands
Jacquelyn GraceAssistant Professor, Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
Research Focus: Ecophysiology, endocrinology, behavior, and phenotypic plasticity in birds
Burak GuneralpResearch Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography
Research Focus: Human-environment interactions, in particular, links between urbanization, biodiversity, and ecosystems; Urbanization and sustainability; Systems analysis; Geospatial analysis
Luis HurtadoAssociate Professor, Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
Research Focus: Phylogeography, molecular phylogenetics, & conservation genetics
Wendy JepsonAssociate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs, Dept. of Geography
Research Focus: Human impacts on the environment; the political economy of agricultural development; environmental justice issues
Urs P. KreuterProfessor, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management
Research Focus: Human dimensions of rangeland ecosystem management
Gerard KyleProfessor, Dept. of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences
Research Focus: Understanding the human dimensions of natural resource management
Thomas E. Lacher, Jr.Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Conservation Biology
Research Focus: Analysis and monitoring of large-scale patterns and trends in biodiversity, primarily in the tropics
Michelle LawingAssistant Professor, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management
Research Focus: Using methods and models from modern ecology and evolutionary biology, combined with evidence from the fossil record, to inform our understanding of how species and communities respond to environmental change through time
David MatarritaAssociate Professor, Dept. of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences
Research Focus: Natural resource sociology, community-based development, and rapidly growing communities.
Mariana MateosAssociate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Conservation Biology
Research Focus: Evolutionary biology with interests that span population genetics, phylogenetics, phylogeography, conservation biology, functional and comparative genomics
Georgianne MooreAssociate Professor, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management
Research Focus: The role of vegetation in the water cycle and how vegetation management/change affects water resources
Bill RogersProfessor, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management
Research Focus: Ecological restoration and biodiversity, plant population and community ecology, invasive and endangered species ecology, and fire and disturbance ecology
Gil RosenthalProfessor, Dept. of Biology
Research Focus: Diversity of systems animals use to communicate with one another, both at the level of proximate mechanisms and in an evolutionary sense
Michael SchuettAssociate Professor, Dept. of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences
Director, Socio-Environmental Research Lab Research Focus: Outdoor recreation, wildland urban interface, visitor management
Gary VarnerProfessor, Dept. of Philosophy
Research Focus: Theories of environmental ethics and animal welfare & animal rights, and their implications for conservation and wildlife management.
Kirk WinemillerRegents Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Conservation Biology
Research Focus: Community ecology, fish ecology, fish evolution, and ecosystem ecology in freshwater and estuarine habitats
Richard WoodwardProfessor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics
Research Focus: Environmental and resource economics
Jessica YorzinskiAssistant Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Conservation Biology
Research Focus: sensory ecology, animal communication, conservation