The Applied Biodiversity Science Program is seeking applications for the Student Conference Travel Awards
Purpose: to support student travel to conferences and meetings to present research relevant to the ABS Program. Priority will be given to students presenting ABS research.
Amount: up to $600
Use of funds: Funds can be used for transportation, lodging, meals, and meeting registration.
Who can apply: ABS students with approved Learning Plans.
Application deadline: June 15
Guidelines for submission: Please submit the following information to the ABS Program Coordinator:
- Name of student attendee
- Date, location, and official name of the conference
- Relevance of attendance at this meeting to your ABS research or outreach
- Signed statement that the ABS Program will be named on your poster or title slide, and listed in your professional affiliations.
- Summary or abstract of the work being presented at the conference
- Travel itinerary with dates
- Amount requested